Today, after a long time of searching I found the flours I will try to use for my pasta; 6 to be exact. I still think I might even order some other kinds, to try the infinite combinations that might result in what I believe is perfect pasta. I will be part of an organic coop, which gives the opportunity to bakers, caterers, and other small businesses alike to buy together from several distributors.
I'm overjoyed of being able to find organic flours and cage free organic eggs. It's all coming together!
Awesome! Happy to see it's all coming together. Particularly the veggies you and phil give sooo much love to (F*&% the root rot). BTW pics from the D90 look great...how'bout some video, eh?
Chow from chilly DC.
hahaha... thanks! video coming soon, we still need a tripod!
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