So, I came up with a nice way to explain to random country-side people what I was looking for. “I am looking for eggs from happy chickens’’. Most people looked at me like I was crazy, like: “aren’t all chickens happy?”
Phil and I were starving and decided to stop and eat a roadside “tripleta” (3 meats) sandwich. The owner told us to go to a stand on another road by Wendy’s where I can find local eggs. “Great! I’m getting closer!”. So, I thought.
So there we went. The egg-less hotdog stand, had several nice older men, which explained that they were out; if I had been there earlier I could have bought some. But, that if I went, left and then right, and saw a car wash, later I would see a blue tent, with a red pick-up truck on front. That is where the egg-man would be.
So there we went. The egg-man-less red pickup truck, had other, helpful nice men, which explained that he was out; if I had been there earlier I could have bought some. But, that if I went down the street I could find his house.
So, we came back to the men and ask where could we find the agricultural center, someone had mentioned. “left, right, you’ll see Condom World, you know… Condom world!? Right? and then there it will be”. That is when I loose it, and start laughing so hard, I almost cried. So Phil had to come out of the driver’s seat and with his good Spanish get all directions.
And after that, hours and gas were spent looking for happy chicken with no reward.
After driving all day and feeling such defeat, we couldn’t keep ourselves from noticing that Pinones is full of chickens running around. But no one sold eggs. They were mainly just for family use.
So my new idea comes up… how awesome would it be if someday I could help some families to produce eggs organically in their backyards and then sell them in stands in Pinones road 187. Maybe someday!
Hope to eat a lot of PASTA...
"La maaaama", will be designated as nudi pasta official tester. Hope your new duty is accepted!
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